Breastfeeding Promotion

WIC promotes breastfeeding as the healthiest way to feed your baby. More than 80% of new mothers breastfeed for some length of time because of the benefits it provides.

Benefits for Baby:

Decreases risk for ear infections, diarrhea and respiratory infections Easier to digest

Less allergies

Reduces the risk for SIDS

higher IQ

Decreases risk for childhood obesity

Breastfeeding Benefits for Mom:

Breastfeeding may help you lose weight

Decreases risk for ovarian and breast cancer

Saves on healthcare costs

Mothers who breastfeed have a lower risk for depression

Breastfeeding reduces your disease risk

Creates a strong mother/child bond

Breastfeeding Peer Counselors are here to help

As a Breastfeeding Friendly WIC Clinic, we provide the breastfeeding education, encouragement, and support our moms need to breastfeed successfully. Our Nutrition staff and Breastfeeding Peer Counselors help you reach your goals!

One-on one breastfeeding education 

Helpful advice, tips and resources

Breast pumps, ask for more information 

Breastfeeding Helpline - Peer Counselors

Tel (800) 307-4231

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