Nutrition Education

Nutrtion Education Resources

These nutrition education materials have been developed by accredited programs and local/state WIC agencies. These nutrition education handouts were adapted from Arizona WIC program to enhance reinforcement of nutrition education messages to Navajo WIC participants.

Approved Materials for Nutrition Education

Breastfeeding - Postpartum - Pregnant - Infants - Children - Miscellaneous Topics


Paced Bottle Feeding - Tips for Breastfeeding Moms

Visit for handouts - Weaning Your Breastfeeding Baby


Choosing Proper Postions

Tips for You-Postpartum Health (Formerly - Exit Counseling) - Healthy Hydration Habits

Healthy Snacks - Postpartum Care


Choosing Proper Postions (spanish) - Food Safety for Baby and Me

Food to avoid in Pregnancy (spanish) - Healthy Hydration Habits (Spanish)

How to increase Your Iron Intake (Spanish) - Pregnancy Discomforts (Spanish)

Tips to Gain Weight (Spanish) - Tips for Pregnant Moms (Spanish)


Baby Behavior Booklet (spanish) - Building a Healthy Eating Rountine for Your Baby (Birth to Age 2)

Helping Your Baby Adjust to a New Formual - Introducing Your Infant to Solid Foods

Normal Growth patterns - Nutrition For Your Baby Birth to 12 Months

Mixing powdered Infant Formula - Preparing Ready-to-Feed Infant Formula

Preparing Liquid Concentrate Infant Formula - Using Baby Food in Recipes


Chossing Proper Portions (spanish) - Ellyn Satter's Division of Responsibility

Helping Your Baby Adjust to a New Formual - Introducing Your Infant to Solid Foods

Normal Growth patterns - Nutrition For Your Baby Birth to 12 Months

Mixing powdered Infant Formula - Preparing Ready-to-Feed Infant Formula

Preparing Liquid Concentrate Infant Formula - Using Baby Food in Recipes

Helpful Resources

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics  -  AHCCCS  -  American Academy of Pediatrics  -  AZ WIC

AZ Health Zone  -  Center for Disease Control and Prevention  -   Cooking Matters  -  Dairy Counci 

Ellyn Satter for Feeding Concerns and Division of Responsibility  -  EPA  -  Feeding Matters  -  First Things First

Food safety  -  Healthy Children  -  MyPlate  -  Pulses  -  Southwest Human Development   

The WIC Hub  -  USDA  -  WIC Works Resource System  

MyPlate Kitchen - Cooking Tips and Recipes

Find healthy tips and recipes all in one convenient spot! Browse recipes by health and nutrition focus, vary your protein or watch a recipe video. Explore seasonal fruits and vegetables using the Seasonal Produce Guide.

New Mexico Lead Poisoning Information For Webite

NM - Tracking - Lead Poisoning.

Lead and Pregnancy Infographic Dec 2016.pdf (

Wic Nutrition Risk - index Allowed (